Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lightning for Incubus: 7-17-07

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Hard Day's Night

Me in St. Ives, Cornwall, England

I know, I know. I have not posted anything in the longest time. I am actually rather embarassed as to the reason. When Blogger switched over to Google, I had to get a new username and password, which is swiftly forgot what they were. After several failed attemps at cracking the code of blogspot, I finally remembered what my login is- yeah!

Now an update on the past 4 months. I went to London for the first 10 days of May to do research on my Master's Thesis, I got a new nephew born on May 30, 2007 (Jack Donovan Powell), I moved out of my apartment in Orem and am now apartment hunting in Provo (any one need a roommate?!) and I started working at Eat-A-Burger part time to help my brother out (Fridays and Saturdays if you ever want to come). Pretty much that is it, so I'll just upload some photos, b/c that is the best part of a blog anyway!


Blowing out the candles on our 23rd Birthday

Valie and Ashley

Valie, Ashley, and Jaiden