Sunday, April 15, 2012

What If?

What if everyone in the church was like me? That was the topic of the talks in sacrament meeting today in my singles ward.
That got me thinking. If everyone in the church was like me, then everyone would do their callings (albeit begrudgingly) and everyone would comment in RS and Sunday School.
On a more serious note, if everyone in the church was like me, then church would be pretty boring. The whole point of "going to church" is to meet with other saints and be edified and uplifted by each other by the fact that everyone is different and has different strengths and weaknesses. The speaker quoted Elder Uchtdorf's latest conference address when he quoted a bumper sticker that said, "Don't judge me because I sin different than you" and isn't that the beauty of gathering the saints? We can help one another become the people the Lord needs us to become. Together, we can fulfill the three fold mission of the Church: to proclaim the gospel, redeem the dead, and perfect the saints.
I'm glad everyone in the church is not like me. I'm a lazy, know-it-all, brat who thinks she's smarter than she really is. Church opens my eyes to things I do not know and reminds me that there are nice people in the world and I need to be nice too.

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Margaret said...

If everyone were like me the entire ward would stand at the nursery door sneaking a peak of the kids doing funny, silly things and wishing you could play and eat goldfish for 2 hours.