Saturday, October 20, 2012

WDW Day 3

We got to the park around 9:30 and rode Spaceship Earth first (no line and right when you walk in. It's the ride inside the geodesic dome). We then got fast passes to Soarin' and rode Living with the Land. We then hit up Club Cool and sampled different soda pop from around the world (Chinese Watermelon soda is my favorite!). We then went to World Showcase for the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival- we got fillet mignon at the Canada stall. I instagramed the pic but believe me, it tasted so much better than it looked. We then went to the UK Pavillion and Les got fish and chips for lunch which we (Les, Cam, and I) shared. Cam had the great idea of us sharing a meal at several different places around "the world" and we could eat as we go. We ended up eating at Morocco, Mexico, and Japan with layovers in Germany and a cheese stall and lobster roll stall. We rode Mission Space (the less intense version- the intense version made me so sick last year) and went to Captain EO. We then went around the world and did a Perry the Platypus scavenger hunt at several pavilions. We are now on the shuttle back to our hotel.
Highlight of the day: taking a tour of a Vision Home in Innoventions that is energy efficient. The living room had the same curtains as my BFF K except in red instead of blue.
Weather was perfect today- zero humidity and in the mid 80s... Lovely!!