Monday, October 24, 2005

C'est Halloween

There is a crisp in the air and we are talking about making carmel apples- it's official- Halloween is almost here. The following is a list of some of our favorite Halloween treats- please enjoy and add on to the list if you feel like we missed something!

1. fun size Twix
2. homemade beer- I mean rootbeer
3. Lesley's infamous pumkin cake
4. carmel apples
5. candy corn
6. KING SIZE Snickers
7. See's chocolate pumkin balls
8. the traditional toothbrush and tooth paste from the dentist in your neighborhood
9. the cheep candy in shapes of body parts- we prefer the lips
10. the pencils
11. Vampire teeth
12. wax lips- are those edible? that explains a lot!
13. double bubble
14. definetly no smarties- yucky!
15. anything shaped like a pumkin- marshmallows, penut butter, snickers, chocolate, etc...
16. umm.. chocolate


Jenny said...

If you just glance quickly at that picture, it looks like you have a really big, really awkward upper lip.

art history alli said...

Ashley- sure you can list fav Halloween movies! That's a great idea.
Jenny- thanks for your insight- now I'm totally embarassed... um... not really.
Y'all are great commenters- thanks!

art history alli said...

Oh my Gosh! It is just like Jenny said- It does indeed look like I have huge, distorted, grotesque upper lip. Gross! I'm swallowing the whole carmel apple whole! Some one please stop me.

Anonymous said...

Love it Love it!

Anonymous said...

get a life