Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I cannot think of a title but my OCD will not allow me to leave this post "Untitled"

My mom is having wrist surgery today. For some reason I am slightly
freaked out and can't focus (I think it's all the hardware and cadaver
bone they are putting in her). I know she'll be fine and she has a
great surgeon (he wears bow-ties!). Luckily, the thing that calms me
down is ART and I work in an art gallery :)
When there is down time, I like to do research and browse through
works of artists we carry and see their latest pieces. Cassandra
Barney is probably one of my favorites because she focuses on women
and her use of color is inspired- like when she pairs aqua blues with
tangerines and vibrant greens. Her figures are extreamely elegant and
willowy, almost hauntingly beautiful.
Her work is fresh and different than anything else out there. Her work
stands out in a gallery full of more tradtional religious art and
temple photography. I believe the contrast illustrates what exactly
makes art fun- it creates an instant reaction of love it/ hate it.
This particular painting is titled "Marissa would stare at her
bathroom wallpaper until she was lost in it"- it is an 8x10 oil on
paper and sold for $600