Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Radical Changes

So I turned in my perspectus 2 weeks ago. Well my committee wants me to make some major changes. My focus is back to regeneration and maternity is now just one of my three chapters. I feel good about this development, but now all my research that I've been focusing on since May is obsolete in a way. I feel like I am starting my research all over with this new focus. I fear that an April defense is far too optimistic at this point with this new development.

Pray for me; I need all the help I can get!

On a happier note-
I went to the gym last night and was on the elliptical for an hour and 15 minutes and I didn't even get out the ice cream after. I'm pretty impressed with myself as I really wanted to eat my feelings :)


Anonymous said...

You didn't eat ice cream after?! Wow!--you're a much better woman than me. I just know that the thesis will come together for you, don't lose your optimism because it'll continue to get you through the tough times.

Beach Girl said...

It will work out. Just watch project runway's finale, it will pull together in the end and be fierce.