Monday, November 10, 2008

The Guns Fell Silent

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. 90 Years ago in the eleventh month, on the eleventh day, in the eleventh hour, the guns fell slient and ended World War I. On BBC World News tonight, they did a special report on the three living veterans of that war who will play a significant part in the comemoration tomorrow in London. This old man who fought in the trenches talked about when he was wounded and held a dying man in his arms. In a frail voice he said "I held him in my arms for the last 30 seconds of his life" and I just started to cry. Maybe it is because I have been writing about the period between the wars and the begining of WWII in England for the past 15 hours, but I was so moved by these old men who sacrificed and survived the "war to end all wars." Every year since that day 90 years ago, there is two minutes of silence in remembrance of what happened on that day and I encourage all of you to take a little moment at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning to think about what our veterans have done for us.


M said...

Thanks for the nice tribute. It sounds like the BBC special report was really interesting.