Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tag Team Back Again... Whoop There It Is

Thanks Jenny for the tag. I'm not quite sure what to do, so Lesley and I are just going to talk about our top 10 favorite fabulous things about/in our house along with photographic illustrations.

10. Andrea left her dried wedding bouquet in the house and so it sits on a shelf in Lesley's boudoir which really adds a needful feminine touch. We love it along side Lesley's art nouveau card collection.

9. Our fridge is the cutest thing ever and our neices love to dress-up Barbie and organize our magnents (well up to the point they can reach). We know our fridge is "old" but we choose the term "vintage"! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for letting us steal it out of your garage, I'm sure you don't miss it.

8. Lesley's yellow KitchenAid mixer and Alli's architectural photo collage makes its debut at number 8! Lesley cannot live without her mixer (I mean what 13 year-old gets a mixer for Christmas and was thrilled?!) One time, she left it in Rexburg and only realized an hour later that it was not in the car so she turned around and got it. CRAZY!! My mom got me the photo frame after my study abroad in England 3 years ago. Sadly, I am lazy and never put any photos in it even though I loved it and it sat in a cupboard for over a year. Then two years ago, Les took the initiative to photoshop, uploaded, and print some photos to put in it for my Christmas present. It was so sweet and touching that I burst into tears when she showed it to me. I had just finished my first semester in grad school and had felt so alone and frustrated and this present was something so special to me.

7. Cakeplate Cubby! As you all may know, Lesley enjoys baking and baking leads to cake plates and cake plates = pink. Below the delicious decorative accessory is one of my personal favorite photo. It is of the two of us in Kensington Gardens in London, England. I just adore this photo! We both look so cute.

6. Lesley's dresser/dressing table used to belong to our beloved cousin Sherry Burke. She loves that is simple and has subdued French accents which match her daybed perfectly even though they were not made to go with eachother. It is special to Lesley and she enjoys opening the drawers everyday.


5. The Chair of Wonder: This is a simple Ikea chair for $99 but with the help of a brilliant mother, is was transformed by a stunningly chic, couture slip-cover.

4. Lips that Touch Whiskey Will Never Touch Mine: We bought this sign in our last day in London on Portabello Road. We really like Art Nouveau art and this was just too adorable to not take home from study abroad. The color scheme fits perfectly with all of our stuff, like the coral hand towels and the daisies. It sprouses up our rather masculine guest bathroom and really shows our personality.

3. Mantel: My friend painted this and I bought it from her in a charity auction. Unconciously, our entire living room matches the color palette of this painting. It is a fun way to add a bit of contemporary art into our floral and damask couch and chairs and the dark Ikea wood. It really brought the room together. Also on the mantle is Boucher's Four Seasons. We got these at the Frick Collection in NYC. We want to frame them, but can't seem to find an awesome way to do it. Lesley loves her mercury glass candelsticks that she got herself for our birthday- she spoils herself (lol!!!)

2. The Glorious Atomic Mirror!! This is Alli's favorite thing in the house. She bought it at TI Imports on State Street last fall. It was an ugly brown color, but I painted it silver to leave the focus on the glass. Sadly, I did not hang it properly (who knew Command Strips wouldn't hold up a 10 lbs mirror?) and it fell, which bent some of the sprongs and broke one off completely. With some prayers and magic glue, you can hardly tell where it has been damaged. I LOVE this mirror; if the house was on fire, this would be the first thing I'd grab.

Drumroll please.....
1. Coffee Table as Exhibition Space. Lesley fell in love with this table in an Ikea showroom. It has a glass top and pull out drawers on the side; we like the idea of hiding all the US Weeklies when our Home Teachers (or mother) comes by to visit. Lesley and I have a silly but serious tradition when we go to museums. We study each painting carefully and pick out our favorites. Then we head to the museum shop (as there is ALWAYS a museum shop) and purchase the post cards of our favorites. One strick rule must be adhered to at all times, the postcard must be of a work that is in the museum and we have seen it that day. This is a small sample of our collection and it is so fun to display them in this mannor. We used to have it up on our walls in college but I prefer the coffee table- it treats them with respect even though we use the table to put our feet up :)

The only thing I don't like about the house is that it means Andrea is living in California :(


Anonymous said...

So cute!

Jenny said...

Tags are fun!!!! You did a good job... I like the favorites:)

art history alli said...

Thanks!! It was a fun tag that we spent a lot of time thinking about. Luckily, we pretty much are the same person and have the same favorite :)

tabchoirfam said...

Oh, I am so touched that you guys miss me! I miss you and I miss my house!

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