Saturday, September 29, 2012

Singing Praises Part 2- 3 confessions

1. I pretty much lost it when I saw the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson walk across the stand. I could only see the top of his head but the Spirit overwhelmed me and it hit me, "I'm singing not only to the world, but to the Prophet and to my Heavenly Father" and I felt SO humble (and nervous!!).

2. I LOVED seeing all the behind-the-scenes at the Conference Center. My sister Andrea is in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and it really exciting to see what sees almost every week. There are like 5 drinking fountains all in a row in a hallway off stage, 5!!! It was also a sight to see to look out and see a packed house in the Conference Center. It's probably something I will never see again but it was majestic. The Conference Center is an engineering marvel!!

3. They gave us a rehearsal CD to listen to, to help us learn the music. I really only listen to CDs in the car and Sister Waddlee asked us to pray for the companionship of the Spirit as we rehearse. She said to let the world know about the meaningful experiences we've had in the car by showing them through our faces. I don't know about you, but my car is my mini sanctuary where I scream, cry, pray, and sing, and I guess I never realized how important that time truly is in helping me internalize the Atonement.

And an added 4th confession-
I am so honored that they asked a YSA choir to sing. Most of the girls in the choir are in our late 20s and are either in graduate school or are working professionals. I have been struggling lately with feeling like there isn't a place for single women the Church. We aren't wives, we aren't mothers, but we are daughters of God. Being a part of this choir has helped alleviate some (not all) of my worries about the future for single women. We have a lot to contribute in building the Kingdom of God on the Earth.

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