Saturday, September 29, 2012

Singing Praises

We had the amazing opportunity to sing in the choir for the LDS General Relief Society Meeting tonight. It's been a long day (we had a call time of 1:40 pm) but very worthwhile.
We have been rehearsing Sunday nights for a month and I will be the first to admit that it was frustrating most of the time. The first few rehearsals, I felt like they wasted a lot of time on "touchy-feely" stuff and not on the notes in the music. I appreciate how much the choir director wanted us to have meaningful spiritual experiences but I think that emphasis could've come a little later in the process.
Now that it is all said and done, I had a great time and feel humble and grateful for this experience.
We had an early morning rehearsal last Saturday and Sister Reeves, second counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, gave a spiritual thought about making scripture study a necessity of life much like eating and sleeping. She referenced the Stripling Warriors in the Book of Mormon and the intense level of faith they had. She said we have and need that same level of faith.
Our conductor, Sister Waddlee, said this was our chance to show the world that LDS women are happy and strong, not oppressed or diminished in any way. We were singing our testimony of the reality of the Atonement and our knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He Lives!!
The songs we performed were chosen by Sister Burton, General RS President (this was her first General Meeting as President). She has been a Primary chorister several times and she loves how well primary songs teach doctrine. We sang "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus/He Sent His Son" and "I Need Thee Ever Hour", some of my favorite religious songs of all time. The lyrics of I Need Thee Every Hour are so sacred and truly a manifestation of the pleading desires of my heart. "Stay Thou near by, temptations loose their power when Thou art nigh. I need Thee, oh I need Thee; every hour I need Thee." Wow