Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I feel the need ...

... the need to blog.

It could be boredom or a longing need to communicate into the void, but I have a desire to blog today even though I have nothing important to write about. (who am I kidding, I never have anything "important" to write about!!!)
I saw the new Woody Allen film "Midnight in Paris" and I really enjoyed it. The art cameos got to be a little over the top (hello Adrian Brody as Dali) but the overall message of the film really touched me. The message is that nostalgia for the past, along with being dissatisfied with the present, is part of the human experience, no matter what our present is.
Long story short, our 2010 protagonist longs for the days of the Roaring 20s in Paris and he magically gets transported back there nightly at midnight. While there, he meets a girl who longs for La Belle Epoch (the beautiful age) of the late 19th Century Paris. They, in turn, get transported back to that time and while there they meet Toulouse Lautrec and his friends who long for the time of the Renaissance. It's a never ending cycle of never appreciating the present.
I believe the phrase "the grass is always greener on the other side of the street" fits this situation rather well.
Maybe this human desire for the past is why some people struggle with contemporary art- because it is from our present and therefore we are dissatisfied with it. Being an art historian, the past captivates my interest and imagination. I adore contemporary art at the same time but perhaps we value art from ages past because the past can never change, it is stable and constant.
These are just some ramblings of a girl who is looking for contentment (or satisfaction) in a rather uneventful life. My wish and hope is to find joy in the journey of life and feel valued or find value in everyday tasks. I need to look towards the future and appreciate the gift that is the present.