Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Seething (part 31 of a 444 part series)

This week's rant is brought to you from the checkout line at Walmart. Apparently it is totally for a Walmart cashier to close the line at anytime even if there is still a long line waiting to be checked out. I have had the line "close" when I was only 1 cart away not once, but twice tonight- I wish I was kidding. Both lines where incredibly long so basically I've had to start all over 3 times. The current line is stopped b/c the customer needs translation. OMGosh- the first line that closed on me just reopened but now the line is as long as the one I'm in- ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I have more than 20 items so I can't get in the "express" lines? Oh ya, I'm in charge of mingles in my YSA ward and we have zero budget so I'm stuck buying 200 paper plates, cups, and napkins. Except the utensils only come in packets of 50 so I have a cart full of cheap quality foam that is just going to be thrown away to fill up a landfill for the next 100 years.
I have now been waiting to be checked out for 30 minutes. I hate Walmart.

Sent from my iPhone


B&K said...

Oh I hate that...that and when you go to the grocery store/walmart or any parking lot and people don't put away their carts so everytime you try for a spot you end up having to back out because of five shopping carts inthe way...ugh! :-)

alli said...

So true B!!!