Monday, September 27, 2010

OMGosh!! My Singles Ward is like a Jr. High Dance

You know how at a Jr. High Dance, the boys stand on one side of the gym and the girls on the other and they rarely meet in the middle?


Well imagine that scene.


Got it in your mind?


Good, now switch the location to an LDS Chapel and instead of sweaty prepubescent tweens, picture 25-35 year olds.

Instead of lining the walls, the sexes are separated by pews.


Yup, there you have my singles ward yesterday!! I was looking around and all the girls were sitting together on 1 pew and the boys (I could use the word “men” but that would be a gross misuse of the word) huddled together on another- rarely mixing it up between the 2.


It was the same in Sunday School. The teacher found it so ridiculous that she made everybody move so that it was boy-girl-boy-girl, and it took a lot of effort to get it that way! The boys were dragging their feet and not switching seats while the ladies were being compliant and getting up and making the boys move.


What is going on?!!


Do girls have koodies?!


Are they afraid if they even sit next to one of us, we are going to fall madly in love with them and stalk them like unto Fatal Attraction?!





Anonymous said...

Ugh! Some people wonder why there are so many cute and good un-married LDS girls around, it's the "men" that are the problem!

Jenny said...

Im the one that shys away from the dudes... not going to lie :) I sat next to a cute boy in church, do you think I talked to him??? nope... ha ha... Thats why Im single... I just like to look but not touch :)

alli said...

Haha Jenny!! I'm the same- I can't even talk or make eye contact with the boys I like- what is wrong with me?!! Lol