Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saturday Seething (part 47 of a 444 part series)

I Really Hate It When Narcissists Annoy Me (LOL- get it?)

So my mother, grandmother, and I were in the car and we stopped at a light waiting to turn left. It was a nice day so we had the windows down. We were the fourth car in line to turn and my mom mentioned that if drivers paid more attention then more cars could get through the light. Then we started talking about a chandelier she had in the back of the car that she thought might work for my sister's house. We are animated speakers and use our hands quite a bit. We were talking about where my sis could hang it and how it could swag nicely to center over her dining table. As I'm agreeing with my brilliant mother, the woman in the car just ahead of us gets out and starts walking toward us (super weird!!). She looks angry and hollars in my mother's window "Are you talking about me?"!!! My mom and I both look at each other and almost start laughing but we just look at her and reply that were not talking about her. The angry woman turns around and heads back to her car while we burst into hysterical laughter and are simply stunned by this course of events.
I don't know about you but I don't watch the people behind me when I'm waiting at a light, let alone long enough to think they are talking about me, and then to get so worked up that I would physically get out of my car to confront them. It was all just too bizarre and too funny.
The light finally turned green and we all continued on our merry way. My mom and I were still laughing and I made the comment something to the effect of "what a narcissist that lady must have been"- I am huge into narcissism and know a fellow narcissist when I see one. LOL

We will be laughing and joking about this for a long long time.

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

SHUT UP!! She got out of car?! Oh my gosh, that is the funniest/most pathetic thing I have heard in quite some time.

Margaret said...

dito to what kendra said, so weird