Friday, June 29, 2012

SCOTUS and Obamacare

I'm not gonna lie, I am really worried about the ruling the Supreme Court made today in upholding The Affordable Care Act. I will only talk about two concerns but I have plenty.
First- I feel lied to by President Obama (surprise surprise). I remember being all upset because yet again his press conference was interrupting my television program and I distinctly remember him saying that the health care bill was NOT a tax and he would not approve anything that added one dime to the deficit (insert maniacal laughter here). Well now the Court said the mandate was constitutional because it is a tax. What?!! Which leads me to my next concern.
The mandate to purchase health insurance has now set a precedence in our legal system. The government, now set precedent by the Supreme Court, has the right to dictate what the American people can purchase. What is there to protect us from the government saying "you must but a GM automobile but feel free to still buy a Honda but with a fine/fee"? It reminds me of the Chinese government and how they fine/tax people when they have more than one child.
I believe in limited federal government, I believe that terms limits need to implemented for Congress and abolish the seniority system, and I think more power should be given to the states (especially on health care, immigration and education). I believe that the role of government is to provide security, stability, infrastructure, and enforce rule of law. I'm grateful to live in a Republic where we get to choose representatives and that they have to report back to us. Sadly, I think many representatives have forget whom they serve (hint: not themselves).
I believe in freedom and the less government I have in my daily life, the better. I believe in America and want it to be a leader again and a beacon for freedom; a place where we can live how we want, worship how we want, eat what we want, vote how we want. I believe in an America where we can achieve goals and make our dreams come true. The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ wouldn't have happened without the government our Founding Fathers established. Disneyland wouldn't have ever been created without the ingenuity of the American spirit and actual ability to make dreams a reality. I want that freedom to continue and not be stifled by regulation and crushing debt. We are being lead in to bondage and tragically most of use aren't even aware of it.
Thanks Supreme Court of the United States, you just turned America into a socialist state. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

Sent from my iPhone


alli said...

This was supposed to have been posted on June 28, 2012 but I just couldn't type fast enough to make the 11:59 PM deadline :)