Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I think I'm having my first migraine and it totally isn't any fun.
I started to get the signs of a head ache this afternoon around 4:30. I thought for sure it was a dehydration/ low blood sugar "normal" headache so I stopped at the Maverick for a Diet Dr Pepper on my home from work. The early evening light made drivinh really painful abd i could hardly keep my eyes open. Right when I got home, I took some ibprofen and changed into comfy clothes. I laid down on the couch while Lesley made German Pancakes but the light and sounds were bothering me. My pain went from a mild 3 up to an 8 in about 60 seconds. I got super nauseated and had to go lay in my dark bedroom with a cold compress Sweet Les made me. I couldn't move for a good 30 minutes and could only focus on breathing and not throwing up. The pain was right behind my eyes and at the base of my neck. I tried to fake feeling better since Lesley had made German Pancakes that I have been craving for weeks and I didn't want to let her down. I got up and was able to walk to the couch. She had to leave for FHE with the singles ward and she left me on the couch. Happily, the nausea subsided about an hour after she left and I was able to eat some dinner and a yummy peach. I'm still in pain now but it is no where near as bad as it was.
I think it was a mini-migraine since I had extreme sensitivity to light and sound (I couldn't even watch my favorite show, The Big Bang Theory), and the nausea. I feel lucky it was only intense for about 2-3 hours. I took some Tylenol before bed which hopefully will help kick the remaining pain. Yucky!!!!

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B&K said...

I'm so sorry love. You need to get something a little stronger than Tylenol or Advil. Can someone get your migraine based meds? I hope it goes away soon, migraines are truly the worst thing ever:-(

Margaret said...

that sounds awful, really awful. i've never had one, can't imagine.