Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Seething (part 51 of a 444 part series)

Well more specifically bug bites.

I have been spoiled the last few summers with little not no bug bites (probably because I don't usually spend a lot of time outside thanks to my job). My average was destroyed last night while u was at a ward activity at a cabin in Eden, Utah.
The activity was billed as a relaxing evening with food, billiards, fooseball, ping-pong, and a fire pit to roast marshmallows. That was all true but what I didn't know was that it was all out doors so I didn't bring a sweater/ jacket or bug spray.
It was fun but once the sun went down, it got very cold very fast and bugs were relentless. I had bugs in my hair, lip-gloss, down my shirt, in my ears... Everywhere. It was really bad when our high councilman got up to share a spiritual thought. The cabin had a few outdoor lights and the bugs were swarming around them (meaning all of us gathered to hear the high councilman) and I think I slapped myself at least 20 times (because you have to slap, then itch when you feel a creepy crawly something-something- on your body).
I got home with 4 major, swollen red bites (2 of which are in my arm pit (how they got there I have no idea!!)).
A little bug spray would've gone a long way last night. If they knew we weren't going to be allowed inside, then why didn't they have like citronella candles or something to repel the infestation? It felt like I was literally being attacked and assaulted by these little monsters.
Just wait- now I'm going to get West Nile Virus and die all because I made an attempt to be social in my singles ward!!! Just kidding :)

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

No West Nile virus! Absolutely not! I forbid it!