Sunday, December 08, 2013

Teaching Relief Society Today

I'm teaching relief society today and I'm a little nervous. I love this calling so so much but every once and a while I get a lesson that I just can't seem to get discussion questions for and that makes me way nervous.
The lesson today is about the Prophet Joseph Smith and President Lorenzo Snow's stories and personal testimony of the Prophet. I love Church History so I always enjoy hearing people's personal experiences with other Church History figures but I'm struggling coming up with thought/discussion questions other than "isn't that a nice story? How does that make you feel?".
What I do like about this lesson is Lorenzo Snow's repeated proclamation that he knew Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God not because he knew him personally but because the Holy Ghost had confirmed that truth to him.

This is my last lesson from the Lorenzo Snow manual. I'm excited to find out which president of the Church we will be studying next year and I hope I can continue teaching relief society for a long time. It seriously is my all-time favorite calling!!