Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Am I hungry?
Am I angry?
Am I lonely?
Am I tired?

So, I go to the cupboard, open it up, my eyes scan the shelfs for something... and I think "Halt!" Am I hungry?.... Of course I'm hungry! Why else would I open the cabinet? I'm starving!!!... Okay so I'm obviously angry too since I'm yelling. Am I lonely?... humm.... well I'm talking to myself, so yes. And I must be tired because I'm hearing voices.

Solution: Eat as many M&Ms as I want. They are my true friends.


Beach Girl said...


art history alli said...

FYI: This was Lesley's idea of a post and I laughed so hard when she told me this story!

Beach Girl said...

Lesley, YOU need to get your own blog!

Margaret said...

So, what do think about the new Wildly Cherry M&M's? I saw them in the store, but didn't buy them (big mistake because I can't stop wondering if they're good or not) when I got home I googled them and that's when I found the e-card. I'm am so curious.

Bekah said...

Hahaha! I love this post! Lesley- I feel like I have that conversation with myself every night:-)

art history alli said...

HALT is a Weight Watcher's technique to stop mindless eating. Good thing for me that I rarely mindlessly eat. Bad thing because I am very much aware of all the excess calories I intake, but I need it. I am an emotional eater and I eat candy and ice cream because I know it will fix the problem. Going for a walk, reading a book, or simply waiting 10 minutes rarely work because the whole time, I'm just thinking about getting some ice cream. It satisfies me, while all of the other things barely even distract me. If I eat a little, then I can move on and get over my issues.
That is what I love about WW. You can indulge your quirks, and still stay on your "diet." It's all about portion control and balance. It is a lifestyle and about making smarter choices. I feel that at least I acknowledge the reasons for my eating sweets, and don't ever eat mindlessly. Awareness has been key in my progress so far.

Anonymous said...

Oh this was cute. But M&M's are qutie satisfying at times.

art history alli said...

I know!
They totally hit the spot when you need them :)

Anonymous said...
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